Victorinox Hook

The hook on Victorinox Swiss Army knives is on the back, behind the scissors in models that include that tool. The parcel hook was first introduced in 1991. Most models contain a standard, plain hook. However, a few models include a special version of the hook that also has a nail file.

Swiss Army Knife Hook

Uses: It's a good, sturdy hook. The official use is as a package hook, to turn your knife into a handle that will help you to carry a parcel or box wrapped in string.

You can also attach a string to the hook, and turn your Swiss Army knife into a plumb bob or a fishing lure, or use it to pull a thread or line through a tight spot.

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Similar Tools:
  • A few Victorinox knife models include a special version of the hook that also has a nail file
  • There is no hook on Wenger Swiss Army knives, or Leatherman tools.