Leatherman Wood Saw

Many Leatherman tools include a wood saw.

Leatherman Wood File

The Leatherman wood saw is larger and more robust than the saws found on Victorinox and Wenger Swiss Army knives. It is also every bit as sharp, so use caution! It works best in materials less than 50mm / 2" in diameter-- we have used it to cut through a piece of 2x4 lumber (40 x 80 mm) in less than a minute.

The wood saw usually is between 72mm and 77mm in length (about 3").

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Similar Tools:
  • The Victorinox wood file is a bit thinner and smaller (except on the SwissTool and larger 111mm knives).
  • The Wenger wood saw on Wenger Swiss Army knives is also a bit smaller.